Indian Senior Citizen Award 2013
Q1. Who is organizing Indian Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. Being responsible is organizing Indian Senior Citizen award 2013, the signature project of the organization aiming to honor senior citizens of the country on 1st October 2013, the senior citizens day.
Q.2. Is there any fee for Indian senior citizen award 2013?
Ans. No
Q.3.. Whether any person from NGO or social group can be a nominee of Indian Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. Yes, an individual can be nominee of Indian Senior Citizen award 2013, but any NGO or social group cannot be nominee for ISC 2013.
Q.4. Can any working members of the organizations or individuals can fill in the nomination forms?
Ans. Yes they can, but they should not be paid members.
Q.5. What are the criteria for selection of total 19 persons for India Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. The persons of more than 60 years of age , who have done good work up to 5 years after 60 years of age – 12 names
Have done best work up to 10 years after 60 years of age – 6 names
Has done meritorious work up to 15 or more years after 60 years of age, and who despite having all , has devoted him fully for the betterment of society and humanity-1 name
Q.6. Who will select the nominee of Indian Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. Members of Jury panel will be screening the nomination forms for ISC 2013. Out of 50 nomination forms, one form will be selected as winner.
Q.7.. Who will pay expenses on courier?
Ans. Nominee will bear the expenses on sending the nomination forms to being responsible.
Q.8. Whether photocopy of nomination form is valid?
Ans. Yes, if the participant is not getting the nomination form for ISC 2013, in time, he/she can get photo copy of the form and after duly filling in, can send to us.
Q.09. What will be price money for Indian Senior award 2013?
Ans. The price money for Indian Senior Citizen award 2013 will be from INR 11000 to INR 20100, which will be awarded to total 19 winners, under different categories.
Q.10. Who will bear the expenses on to and fro journey, lodging, food and local conveyance for the winners of Indian Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. Being responsible will bear the expenses for above on winners of Indian Senior award 2013. The winners need not to worry, we shall take care of them right from the time, they come for award function.
Q.11. What will be quality of stay, foods and other facilities for the winners of Indian Senior award 2013?
Ans. Being responsible is making all arrangements of good qualities. We aim to make the winners tension free with regard to staying, foods and other facilities.
Q. 13. How many attendants can come for the event along with winner of Indian Senior Citizen award 2013?
Ans. Only one attendant can come with the winner of ISC 2013. The attendant should be such age of group, who can take care of winner, throughout his/her stay at the event city. Being responsible is making all arrangements Staying, foods and other facilities.
Q.14 What are being responsible other projects?
Ans. being responsible is having the following projects at present:
a) Assistance to needy senior citizens by providing the grocery periodically
b) Running of Day Care Centres for senior citizens
c) Distribution of free medicines to needy patients of slum areas
d) Adoption of poor girls for higher education
The Indian senior citizen award 2013 is first of its own kind, which aims to honor the actual assets of the society. We with an intention to make it exclusive have made restrictions also, e.g. neither member nor the family members of the member of being responsible can participate in the competition.
For more details about ISC 2013 visit or call 9755020247 or mail
Indian Senior Citizen Award 2013
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